PBA-SIMTech ‘Advanced Technologies for Precision Automation’ Seminar: A Success
27 Apr 2010
Hits: 1039
Last April 22, 2010, PBA, in collaboration with SIMTech (Singapore Institute of Manufacturing Technology), held a seminar entitled “Advanced Technologies for Precision Automation: Leveraging New Technologies for Automation and Precision Engineering”.
With over a 100 participants, the event showcased the latest technologies for high-precision and high-throughput automation.
Researchers from SIMTech, as well as speakers from key manufacturers (PBA, KSS, NB, NBK, PM), delivered talks and showcased the latest advancements in automation involving motors and actuators, ball-screw/spline and x-roller mechanisms, couplings, light-weight structural materials, control electronics and motion control techniques.
As the leading precision automation seminar in Singapore, this event aims to embolden PBA’s goal to push forth the technological advancement, not just of Singapore, but the whole the Asian region.